This image was in the front cover of my Personal Passion Planner for the 2017 year, and it motivated me each and every day.
Two pages further into my Passion Planner were my goals for the first six months of 2017. Aside from Learning List, I am thrilled to have achieved all of my goals!!
As I type this, I can't even believe that it was 2 days before my 6 month goal that I started fulfilling my dreams of tackling something new in Luling ISD! On July 17th, I started my new job as Coordinator of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, at at the end of my 3rd week, I was retitled as the Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction.
{At which point I pinched myself to make sure I was living in reality!}
Dreams do come true, and my prayers have truly been answered.
Goal setting and actionable steps are an amazing thing, and I am prayerfully thankful for landing exactly where I was meant to be.
Yesterday was my first day with the full staff of the Jr. High and High School. Incredible people!
We were treated to a lunch by the First United Methodist Church, and I only wish I had the words to capture how much this thoughtful and heart-felt gesture meant to me. I will forever cherish my hand cross I was given (hand-crafted by the pastor), and I know I will depend on it many times throughout this year and through the rest of my life.
With nearly a month of solid foundation-building in place and two of my favorites on board with me, tomorrow the real fun starts! I get to introduce the structure of this year's learning and growth to the secondary teachers in Luling.
In my years of education, if I have learned one thing, I have learned that teachers like prizes and acknowledgement. So you better believe I'm ready!! Here's my inventory for the rest of this week...I adore loving on people, and there is nothing better than a shopping trip for teachers you want to support!
I am so thankful for all of the lessons I've learned from the people in my past (RIP, Figment Soup), and I welcome with open arms this next adventure in this thing called life!
Many blessings...